Could you tell us who you are and what it is that you do?

My name is Natalie Laroe, and I work as a property manager with the Turner Group! We are a local real estate development company, and I get to manage the properties that we own in our portfolio. 


What do you love most about the work?

I love the team I get to work with, and I really enjoy that the rhythm of work changes daily. Sometimes I’m behind a screen, on a construction site, or in a tenant suite. I get to interact with all sorts of different people, and learn about a ton of different areas in this industry. It’s really cool! 

How did you arrive at this point in your career? What’s your backstory?

God's grace! I’ve had my eye on commercial real estate development since childhood, seeing my dad in the same field. Throughout college, I studied urban and environmental planning at the UVA School of Architecture and it confirmed my interest in commercial real estate development– but that was also a season of a huge life change in the arena of faith. I had an opportunity to work with a Christian campus ministry after college, and I learned a ton about using my life and gifts for loving and serving others well. At the end of that internship I met a Turner Group employee through a church connection, and was immediately impressed with the integrity and desire to do good work in our community, beyond the bottom line. Through a lot of prayer and open doors, I got to join the Turner Group team a few months later! I’ve enjoyed it a ton, and I’ve grown daily as I learn the industry and get exposure to new ways we can serve our clients and tenants well. 


Has there been a light switch moment, a turning point, a mentor, professionally &/or personally along the way? 

My dad has been a huge blessing in my career development– he’s been somewhat of a personal consultant in advising me about wise steps to take along the way. He’s been so helpful and encouraging, and we’ve grown closer throughout!

I also had a “light-switch” moment in college, when I realized that my inclination was to put my identity in my career, and how unhelpful that inclination was. When I became a Christian in college I started to think about where my identity and hope was really found, and realized that I can't put my identity or hope in something that doesn't last– like titles or career paths. It has to be in something greater and outside of myself. Which I believe is Jesus, who grounds me, and has given me new life by his sacrifice. Which I have found to be so freeing! 

What are you currently working on, excited about, looking forward to?

We have been doing a lot of team development, and that has been really enjoyable! 

What are you reading these days?

Counseling Under the Cross by Bob Kellemen - a book about Luther's pastoral counseling ministry during the 1500’s. I would definitely recommend it! 


Anything we missed that you might care to share (closing thoughts)?

Nope! Thanks so much for the opportunity!